
Crystal Poole, a mother of three from Croydon, has been facing a housing crisis for nearly a decade. Growing up in the care system in New Addington, Crystal has been in and out of emergency and temporary accommodation since 2016. Despite her struggles, she has been determined to provide a stable home for her children.

### Long Wait for Permanent Housing

Crystal, a 26-year-old chef, shared her story with Your Local Guardian, expressing her frustration with the lengthy wait for permanent housing. She explained, “I’m a care leaver, and when I left the local authority at 18, I was placed in emergency accommodation. Since then, I have faced numerous challenges in finding a suitable and stable home for myself and my children.”

In 2017, after falling pregnant with her daughter, Crystal was moved into a one-bedroom flat. However, she noted several disrepair issues in the property but claimed that her concerns were not addressed by the authorities. This marked the beginning of a series of temporary accommodations that failed to provide the stability and safety her family needed.

### Current Living Conditions

Currently residing in temporary accommodation in Waddon, Crystal described the property as being in disrepair. She highlighted issues such as water ingress, rising damp, and mold, which have impacted her children’s health and well-being. Crystal expressed her concerns, stating, “The condition of the property is causing rashes and recurring breathing issues, and the GP has advised us to move out.”

With three young children aged seven, four, and four months, Crystal emphasized that the housing situation was not suitable for her family. She shared the challenges of having to replace furniture due to mold and the adverse effects the living conditions were having on her children’s education and health.

### Struggles with the Council

Despite reaching out to the council for assistance, Crystal claimed that her pleas for help had fallen on deaf ears. She accused the council of neglecting its duty of care and failing to provide adequate support for her housing needs. Crystal expressed her frustration, stating, “The council has been ignoring my requests for assistance, leaving me in a state of uncertainty and distress.”

Furthermore, Crystal revealed that the council had not responded to her ongoing housing application, which has been pending since 2020. She expressed her disappointment with the lack of progress in securing permanent accommodation for her family, emphasizing the urgent need for a stable home.

### Continuous Struggle for Stability

Throughout her adult life, Crystal has never experienced permanent housing, facing challenges and setbacks in her quest for stability. She recalled a time when carers proposed placing her in a staffed unit for young adults transitioning to independent living, but she declined the offer, fearing a return to square one. This decision left her with no choice but to declare herself homeless, further exacerbating her housing crisis.

Having lived in two emergency accommodations and two temporary accommodations since turning 18, Crystal’s journey has been fraught with uncertainty and instability. Despite her efforts to secure a stable home for her family, she faced disappointment in the council’s housing bidding process, which denied her the opportunity to secure a much-needed house for her children.

### Council’s Response and Future Plans

In response to Crystal’s situation, a spokesperson for Croydon Council acknowledged the challenges she faced and reaffirmed their commitment to supporting young people leaving care. The council assured that they were working with Crystal to find alternative suitable accommodation and would provide temporary housing before any eviction took place. They emphasized their dedication to ensuring that Crystal and her family’s housing needs were met.

Crystal expressed her desire for a permanent home, emphasizing the importance of stability and security for her children. She reflected on the years of temporary and emergency accommodations, expressing her hope for a final offer that would provide her family with a sense of permanence and security.

As Crystal continues to navigate the challenges of the housing system, she remains determined to secure a stable home for her children and create a safe and nurturing environment for their future. Despite the obstacles she has faced, Crystal’s resilience and determination shine through as she continues to advocate for her family’s well-being and future stability.