
Navigating Non-Monogamy: Understanding the Difference Between Consensual Non-Monogamy and Cheating

In a society where traditional monogamous relationships are the norm, exploring alternative relationship dynamics like non-monogamy can be a challenging and often misunderstood concept. Kenna Bethany, a 26-year-old actress from London, is a vocal advocate for consensual non-monogamy, emphasizing the importance of honesty, communication, and respect in navigating multiple partnerships simultaneously.

Kenna’s journey into non-monogamy began at a young age when she realized that the idea of being with just one person for the rest of her life did not appeal to her. She believes that some individuals are not built for monogamy and that different approaches work for different people. Being upfront and honest with her partners from the beginning, Kenna has dated multiple people at once throughout her adult life, setting clear parameters and ensuring that everyone involved is aware and comfortable with the arrangement.

Breaking Misconceptions

One common misconception about non-monogamy, according to Kenna, is that it is primarily a sexual endeavor. However, she stresses that it is not a free-for-all and emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, practicing safe sex, and maintaining open communication with all partners. Kenna describes her preference as being in a “hierarchical polyamory structure,” where she usually has a primary partner but also dates other individuals, all relationships being on equal footing.

Challenges and Benefits

Navigating non-monogamy comes with its challenges, including managing jealousy and ensuring that all partners feel valued and respected. Kenna believes that relationships are fluid and that communication is key to addressing any issues that may arise. While some may view non-monogamy as a form of cheating, Kenna emphasizes that she has never cheated and adheres strictly to the parameters set within each relationship.

Kenna acknowledges that society still lacks the proper language to describe the full spectrum of relationship dynamics that individuals may enjoy. She believes that many people are not suited for conventional relationship norms but adhere to them due to societal pressure. By promoting conversations around non-monogamy, Kenna hopes to encourage more individuals to explore alternative relationship structures that align with their needs and desires.

In Kenna’s experience, non-monogamy tends to attract a diverse range of individuals, including those who are neurodivergent and do not conform to societal expectations. She emphasizes the importance of being open, communicative, and respectful of each partner’s boundaries in order to make non-monogamous relationships work effectively.


As Kenna continues to navigate the world of non-monogamy, she remains committed to living authentically and openly, despite the societal stigma surrounding alternative relationship dynamics. While she has found acceptance among her friends, she has yet to discuss her lifestyle with her family. For Kenna, the key to successful non-monogamy lies in transparency, communication, and mutual respect among all partners involved. By challenging traditional relationship norms and advocating for open dialogue, Kenna hopes to pave the way for more individuals to explore and embrace consensual non-monogamy in their own lives.