
Emily Earle, a 19-year-old student from London, recently shared a terrifying experience she had while on holiday in Malia, Crete, Greece. She was on a girl’s trip with four friends when her drink was spiked at a party, causing her to fall seriously ill.

According to Emily, after just two hours at the party, she started feeling unwell after sipping her third drink. She fell asleep at the table and later became very thirsty. Upon returning to their hotel, her condition worsened rapidly, and she began struggling to breathe and losing consciousness. She was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance where doctors confirmed that she had ingested drugs. Emily believes someone must have spiked her drink while at the party.

Her concerned mother flew out to be with her and brought her back to the UK. Emily, a medical student at King’s College London, described the experience as traumatic for herself, her family, and friends. She expressed how close she came to losing her life and emphasized that being spiked can happen to anyone, regardless of how careful they are.

On the night of the incident, Emily and her friends were out on the Malia strip when they bought tickets for a party. She had a few drinks, including a Malibu and Coke, a sex on the beach cocktail, and a vodka and pineapple. Despite not feeling the drinks were strong, she suddenly felt extremely intoxicated and began falling asleep.

Back at the hotel, her condition deteriorated rapidly, and her friends became alarmed at her symptoms. She was taken to the hospital where drugs were found in her system, although the specific substances could not be identified without a full toxicology report.

Emily stressed the importance of staying with friends, avoiding accepting drinks from strangers, and never leaving drinks unattended. She advised being cautious and vigilant, especially in crowded settings where distractions can occur. Additionally, she highlighted the need to look out for unusual behavior in friends and to act quickly if someone is showing signs of distress.

The incident has left Emily and her friends shaken, despite their efforts to stay safe and stick together. Emily’s story serves as a reminder of the dangers of drink spiking and the importance of being proactive in safeguarding oneself and others in social settings.